
Potassium Humate + Boron

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Concentrated liquid humic fertilizer easily assimilated by crops with an increased content of boron in liquid form and NPK. It is used as an antistressant, plant growth stimulator and to prevent boron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency in crops.

Potassium Humate + Boron TM «Galicina» is a complex concentrated organo-mineral humic fertilizer that has a positive effect on plant development due to the increased content of boron, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The product helps to increase the efficiency of pollination, increases the number of generative organs, and prevents flowers and fruits from shattering. This makes it extremely useful for field, vegetable, and horticultural crops.

Potassium humate provides a complex effect that promotes the development of all parts of the plant. It stimulates photosynthesis, helps to increase the mass of both the ground part and the root system, and strengthens the immunity of plants.

Boron, in turn, enriches products with sugar, starch, and vitamins, reduces the level of plant diseases, and is critical for their active growth. Boron is also particularly important for the formation of new leaves, root tips, and bud development.

Application rate

0.7 – 1.5 l/ha.

Chemical composition

Humus substances – 99.1 g/l.

Humic acids – 77.1 g/l.

Fulvic acids – 22 g/l.

Nitrogen (N) – 22.7 g/l.

Phosphorus (P2O5) – 0.9 g/l.

Potassium (K2O) – 13.3 g/l.

Boron (B) – 29.5 g/l.

contains macro- and microelements (N, K, B, Co, Cu, P, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo).

pH – 8-9

Pharmaceutical form: soluble concentrate

Advantages of the fertilizer

– promotes good pollination and fertilization of flowers;
– regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, increases the efficiency of photosynthesis due to its boron content;
– provides intensive plant growth due to its nitrogen content;
– shortens the time for crops to ripen;
– forms a strong root system;
– improves plant resistance to stressful conditions (drought, frost, herbicides and pesticides, etc.);
– increases the growth resistance of green spaces due to its high potassium content;
– increases yields.

Potassium humate concentrate is supplied in liquid form. It is extremely easy to prepare a potassium humate solution – just dilute it with water in the required proportion. It is possible to prepare the most balanced solution, which, along with boron, will contain other trace elements necessary for a particular crop during the treatment period.

Another important advantage of the product is the ability to satisfy the plant's need for boron at the time when it needs it most.

Methods of application and dosage

Application rates are selected according to the characteristics of the crop to be treated, its developmental state during the treatment period, and the treatment method.

There are several ways to use potassium humate + boron:
– soaking of seed material;
– watering (root feeding);
– spraying.

The product is supplied in the form of a concentrate, so it is used quite sparingly. The consumption rate per 1 hectare may vary depending on the crop and the method of its treatment. Liquid concentrate of potassium humate + boron can be used both in home gardening and horticulture and in industrial crop production.


Boron is one of the most important plant nutrients. Therefore, in combination with potassium humate, it increases yields and improves product quality. The most sensitive to boron deficiency are sugar beet, rapeseed, and potatoes. It is equally essential for soybeans and other legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, corn, sunflowers, and many other garden crops, as well as flowers, strawberries, and other berries. On soils that are depleted in boron, boron fertilizer will be useful for wheat, rye, and other cereals.

Another important property of the product is its ability to detoxify the soil from pesticide residues, radionuclides, and heavy metals. At the same time, it is absolutely non-toxic and does not cause harm to people or the environment.

Period of protective action

The protective effect lasts two weeks, providing a positive effect throughout the growing season. Repeated treatment is recommended not earlier than in 10-14 days.


Non toxic to humans, animals, bees, etc. Can be used in organic farming.


Potassium humate + Boron TM «Galicina» is recommended to be used separately from herbicides and pesticides, as their effectiveness may be reduced. However, in order to save fuel, it is allowed to combine them. Before mixing the components, it is advisable to test for sedimentation in a separate container.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at t from +3 to +25°С. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture. Store away from direct sunlight. Do not allow the drug to freeze. Sediment is allowed. Shake well before use.

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