
Potassium Humate NAWÓZ


Concentrated liquid humic fertilizer with a high NPK content and enriched with other macro- and microelements. It is used as an antistressant, plant growth stimulant and to prevent nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency in crops.

Potassium humate NAWÓZ + NPK by TM Galicina is a complex concentrated organic-mineral humic fertilizer developed according to European standards and certified in the EU (EXPORT). It is enriched with potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which helps to enhance plant growth, strengthen their resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.

The fertilizer, used in the form of seed treatment or as a spray on plants, stimulates plant growth and development, reduces the effects of water deficit in the soil, increases nutrient absorption, enhances drought resistance, positively affect

Application rate

0.5 – 1 l/ha.

Chemical composition

Humic acids – 87 g/l.

Fulvic acids – 13 g/l.

Humic substances – 100 g/l.

Nitrogen (N) – 15.5 g/l.

Phosphorus (P2O5) – 5 g/l.

Potassium (K2O) – 20 g/l.

contains macro- and microelements (N, K, B, Co, Cu, P, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo).

pH – 8-8.5

Preparative form: soluble concentrate

Advantages of the fertilizer

Ensures intensive plant growth due to its nitrogen content;
Forms and stimulates a strong root system;
Ensures better formation of flowers and seeds due to the phosphorus content;
Increases the growth resistance of green spaces due to its high potassium content;
Shortens the time for crops to ripen;
Increases seed germination;
Improves plant resistance to stressful conditions and herbicide use;
Improves the quality and quantity of the crop.

Methods of application and dosage

The undeniable advantage of potassium humate compared to other fertilizers, among other things, is its ease of use.

The solution is prepared depending on the type of crops and the method of their processing:

fertilizing young seedlings;
To correctly calculate the norm of potassium humate, it is necessary to take into account the total share of nitrogen fertilizers used per 1 hectare of land. Taking this into account, 0.5-1 liter of potassium humate is required per 1 hectare.

The concentration of the ready-to-use formulation differs for plant treatment (root and foliar), soaking or spraying seeds, cuttings, and crops themselves.

For the formation of seed dressing, NAWÓZ "Galicina" fertilizer is used at 0.4 l/t (4 ml/10 kg) in the form of double spraying of field crops with a fine or medium spectrum of droplets used for plant protection in a proportion of 0.5 l/ha.

You need to use about 300 liters of working solution per hectare.

Period of protective action

The protective effect lasts two weeks, providing a positive effect throughout the growing season. Repeated treatment is recommended not earlier than in 10-14 days.


Non-toxic to humans, animals, bees, etc. Can be used in organic farming.


Potassium humate fertilizer Galicina TM is recommended to be used separately from herbicides and pesticides, as their effectiveness may be reduced. However, in order to save fuel, it is allowed to combine them. Before mixing the components, it is advisable to test for sedimentation in a separate container.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at a temperature from +3 to +25°C. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Store away from direct sunlight. Do not allow the drug to freeze. Sediment is allowed. Shake well before use.

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