How to use potassium humate for corn

Many agricultural sectors around the world are trying to achieve increased production and crop quality. At the same time, there are agricultural producers who have never heard of some plant growth stimulants.

Humic materials are widespread organic carbon compounds found in soils, fresh water, and oceans. These components are formed as a result of biological and chemical decomposition of animals and various types of plants, and make up approximately 75 percent of the organic matter that exists in most mineral soils.

Humate is the general name of soil humic substances. Between 65 and 100 million years ago, the Earth had optimal organic conditions for growth. The vegetation was extremely lush and diverse. They decomposed over millions of years, passing their life force to future generations through these ancient compost heaps. These decomposed bogs turned into the most concentrated natural primary source of humic acids.

Potassium humate – what is it?

It is the potassium salt of humic acid. This compound is important in agronomy as a component of top dressing. Also, humates can quickly dissolve in liquid, so it is a very convenient type of fertilizer. Also, cultures can easily absorb this sroluka, since it dissociates into ions when dissolved in water. The rate of absorption and utilization of potassium humate by agricultural crops is very high.

Types of potassium humate

Several different varieties are produced:

  • the initial material, on the basis of which the substance for plant nutrition is created;
  • the proportion of active substance and water;
  • by the number of ballast components;
  • the number of nutritional components in one composition.

The natural version of feeding and the industrial one based on humic acids differ in the level of purification. In the second option, compounds of heavy metals and a large number of ballast components may be present. For plants, they are used less often.

Benefits of potassium humate

With correct and timely use of humate, a good harvest is guaranteed. In principle, it can be used at various stages of plant formation. The difference in application between summer and perennial crops should be taken into account. For annuals, humate is very necessary in the initial phase of development and before the emergence of seeds. Perennials need it after planting or transplanting to new areas to strengthen and preserve the roots of the plant.

  • During photosynthesis, potassium controls the opening and closing of the stomata and therefore regulates CO2 absorption.
  • Potassium causes the activation of enzymes that are needed to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is an important source of energy for most chemical processes occurring in the plant.
  • Potassium plays a significant role in the regulation of liquid in the plant (osmoregulation). It affects both the absorption of liquid by the root system and its loss through stomata.
  • Significantly improves the ability of plants to tolerate the effects of soil and air drought: dehydration and overheating of tissues with the least decrease in productivity.
  • Potassium is also necessary for the synthesis of protein and starch in plants. Potassium is necessary at almost every stage of protein synthesis. During the synthesis of starch, the enzyme responsible for the process is activated by potassium.

Fertilization with humate is carried out in several ways:

  • when soaking seed material before the sowing period or processing other privileged material;
  • with irrigation;
  • with special processing (for example, during spraying).

The most favorable conditions for the growth and flowering of corn are created on soils with an optimal amount of zinc. The lack of this trace element in the soil leads to a violation of the internal process of glucose phosphorylation and a decrease in the level of growth hormone (auxin), which is reflected externally on the plant by the appearance of a white sprout (white top).

How to use humates correctly

Humates are applied at various stages of growth of cultivated crops. It is best to feed annual plants at the very beginning of growth and before the flowering phase. Perennial crops that are propagated by seedlings are best fertilized after the process of transplanting seedlings or trees. It is at the moment of transplanting that the roots of plants are most often injured and will need additional feeding.

Use humates according to the rules, and the harvest you will collect from your land will be excellent. They are used in 3 variants – using during soaking of seed material or other seedlings, irrigation of agricultural crops under the root and during treatment of the foliar system.

Regulations have been established to help understand how much potassium humate to use for any type of plant. From the total required amount of this fertilizing, a percentage is deducted for processing seeds and material, another part is allocated for fertilizing the foliar system, the rest of the standard volume of humates is allocated for fertilizing the root system of plants. It is inadmissible to increase the recommended doses, as this can lead to the opposite result – a slowdown in the development of the culture itself and, therefore, a decrease in yield.

Humates are used not only as an independent fertilizer, but also in combination with other useful substances. Complex use enhances the positive effect of fertilizers.

Economic interest:

  1. Humates significantly reduce portions of adding expensive mineral additives, thus affecting the reduction of the cost of agricultural products.
  2. The use of humates makes it possible to obtain first-class agricultural products.

Addition rates for cultures

  • Humates are used as an aqueous solution, the concentration of which is from 0.007 to 0.01 percent based on the base component.
  • Treatment of seed material before sowing – neutralization of most pathogens (so-called poisoning) or soaking.
  • Top dressing – spray or water agricultural products during the growing season from 2 to 4 times per season, and flower and decorative products – every 2 weeks. When a liquid version of humate is used, the norm is calculated – 0.4 l / ha.

It is allowed to pickle the seeds with various insecticides, bactericides and fungicides. Ten liters of the working solution, which is prepared in the ratio of 200 ml of potassium humate to nine liters of water, is consumed per ton of seed material when this procedure takes place.

NameThe consumption rate of the finished working solutionHow to prepare a warehouseNumber of treatments
Corn for grainOne treatment requires from 250 to 300 l/haDilute 0.4 liters of humates in 250-300 liters of water and treat one hectare with this composition.During the growing season, two sprayings are recommended:
• 1st: in the phase of plant development, characterized by the appearance of seedlings on the surface of the soil – from 3 to 5 leaves;
• 2nd: in the phase of throwing out panicles – flowering.
Corn for fodder for farm animalsFor one treatment 250-300 l / haDilute 0.4 liters of humates in 250-300 liters of water and treat one hectare with this composition.In the vegetative phase, it is recommended to spray crops three times:
• 1st: in the phase of emergence of 3-5 leaves;
• 2nd and 3rd: with a gap of 10-15 days.

Why should you buy potassium humate for corn in bulk, what will it give and what does it affect?

  • For productivity (increases the premium per hectare by 3-4 cents in drought conditions and up to 10 cents in optimal conditions);
  • for seed germination (increases by 8-10%);
  • on the mass of the root system (ensures the possibility of receiving nutrients and increases the mass of the cob);
  • for green mass (when cultivation is for fodder for farm animals – for 10-15 centners per hectare in the presence of moisture and agro background, under stressful conditions, lack of mineral nutrition, the allowance is 3-5 centners per 1 ha);
  • for the ripening period (accelerates by 3-5 days);
  • on resistance to herbicides, viral and bacterial diseases;
  • on the reaction of the plant in drought conditions (providing an anti-stress effect).

The advantage of potassium humate wholesale or potassium humate in retail compared to mineral mixtures:

  • Funds will be saved, as 3 times less humus substances are needed when fertilizing the same number of crops. Its price is higher, but as a result, the product is cheaper.
  • The fruits have a pronounced taste, as they feed on organic matter. When feeding with mineral elements, the product will lose in terms of taste parameters.
  • Minerals will not form as many useful elements in vegetables and fruits, compared to plants that are fed with humic additives. Potassium and sodium humate: what is the difference with minerals – in that they contribute to the formation of vitamins in large quantities, increasing the quality of fruit and vegetable products. Expensive baby food is made from products grown on humates.
  • Potassium humate does not cause soil salinization, compared to mineral mixtures.

Using humic acids and their salts, it is possible to grow healthy and useful products.

It is recommended to buy potassium humate for corn of our production. The company employs qualified specialists who will help to choose the right product, based on the interests of customers. By cooperating with Halychyna, you will always be able not only to find and purchase the goods necessary for your activity, but also to receive professional advice in accordance with the individual characteristics of growing plants.

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