
Potassium Humate Active


Concentrated liquid humic fertilizer with a high nitrogen content and enriched with macro- and microelements. It is used as an antistressant, growth stimulator and to eliminate nitrogen deficiency in plants.

Potassium Humate Active TM “Galicina” is a complex concentrated organic-mineral humic fertilizer with an increased nitrogen content, enriched with macro- and microelements. This universal preparation accelerates (initiates) the penetration of humic acids into the plant using nitrogen. The fertilizer is used for seed dressing, foliar and root feeding, stimulating faster growth and developing the root system before frost and drought.

Application rate

0.7 – 1.2 l/ha.

Chemical composition

Humic acids – not less than 40 g/l.

Fulvic acids – not less than 30 g/l.

Humic substances – not less than 70 g/l.

Nitrogen (N) – 10 g/l.

Phosphorus (P2O5) – 1.5 g/l.

Potassium (K2O) – 42 g/l.

Contains macro- and microelements (N, K, B, Co, Cu, P, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo).

pH – 8-9

Preparative form: soluble concentrate

Advantages of the fertilizer

increases the growth resistance of green spaces due to its high potassium content;
strengthens the immune system, ensuring plant resistance to diseases;
activates plant growth due to its nitrogen content;
promotes the formation of a powerful root system;
increases yields;
protects the plant under stressful conditions (unfavorable weather conditions; use of herbicides, etc.)
shortens the time for crops to ripen;
quick feeding of plants during the growing season;
accelerates the appearance of humus.

Spraying plants during the growing season

First treatment during the germination period or at the end of tillering. Treatment with potassium humate Aktive activates plant density and affects the potential of productive stem.
The second treatment is carried out during the period when the plant enters the tube, for cereals during the beginning of earing. The second treatment contributes to the formation of the genetic potential of the variety, the number of productive grains in the ears.
The third treatment is necessary during the earing phase or is carried out during the period of wax ripeness, which contributes to the preservation of the crop, rapid grain ripening, and the formation of a mass of 1000 seeds.

Period of protective action

The protective action lasts for two weeks, providing a positive effect throughout the growing season. Re-processing is recommended no earlier than after 10-14 days.


Non-toxic to humans, animals, bees, etc. Can be used in organic farming.


Potassium humate Active TM "Galicina" is recommended to be used separately from herbicides and pesticides, as their effectiveness may be reduced. However, in order to save fuel, it is allowed to combine them. Before mixing the components, it is advisable to test for the formation of sediment in a separate container.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored at t from +3 to +25°С. The storage period is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Store away from direct sunlight. It is not allowed to freeze the drug. Sediment is allowed. Shake before use.

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